Connecticut Swimming

Chief Judge

Chief Judge (Minimum Age 18)

Education & Training
Member of USA Swimming.
  Sixteen (16) or more sessions as certified Stroke & Turn.
  Attend a CJ clinic or briefing of CJ duties.
  Apprentice for at least (4) Training Sessions total over two (2) different meets with a Trainers.

Have read the Chief Judge Professional Documents.

Evaluation & Certification
Apprenticeship singed off by a Certifier.

May officiate in any LSC meet.

Recertification (every 3 years)
Worked a minimum of sixteen (16) Qualified Recertification Sessions within a three (3) year period with at least eight (8), as CJ or Referee.
  Attend Clinic (recommended Starter) every three (3) years.
  Pass USA Swimming recertification test every three (3) years for the highest certification held.

Satisfactory performance as Chief Judge.

Once a person is certified as a stroke and turn official, they are encouraged to participate in as many meets as they can to gain experience and knowledge. This will allow those running meets to have greater confidence in their ability to officiate at meets of various levels.
Chief Judge Evaluation Form (rev. Feb. 2024)


Chief Judge -or- Assistant and Mentor to All Officials?

An overall “Chief Judge” may assign and supervise the activities of all stroke, turn,
place and take-off judges and may report their decisions. If desired, any judging category
may have a designated “Chief.” Any “Chief” may act as liaison for the judges and may serve.
simultaneously in one of the judging positions and shall assign those judges within the
“Chief’s” category.

The "Professional"


Declared False Start

Deck Protocol "Championship Meets"

Deck Staffing for S&T Assignments

Radio Etiquette & Usage Guidelines