Connecticut Swimming

Open Water

Open Water Judge (minimum Age 18)

Education & Training

Should pass USA Swimming Open Water Judge test with a score of 80% or better prior to attending an Open Water Clinic/Event.
Must attend a pre-race briefing.
It is recommended to have an apprenticeship at an Open Water event with at least one mentor (who has a minimum of one (1) year experience as Open Water Judge) in any Open Water Judge position for a minimum of one (1) event.

Evaluation & Certification

Evaluation by evaluator/mentor and/or Open Water Referee to be reported to LSC Officials Chair or their designee.
Must be a member of USA Swimming, pass the Level 2 Background Check, and complete the online Athlete Protection Training before officiating as an Open Water Judge.

Require score of 80% or better on recertification test every two years.
To maintain certification, must work a minimum of one (1) Open Water Event every three (3) years in any of the Open Water Judge positions.
Based on continuing USA Swimming membership and satisfactory performance.

Open Water Starter (Minimum Age 19)

Education & Training

Anyone working in the position of Starter must pass the USA Swimming Open Water Referee test with a score of 80% or better prior to officiating in that position.
Previous certification as Open Water Judge is recommended.
Must attend Open Water clinic/pre-race briefing.
Must apprentice on the water with a certified Open Water Referee/Starter for a minimum of one (1) Open Water Event.

Evaluation & Certification

Certification based on recommendation of the trainer(s) and/or Referee(s)

Require score of 80% or better on recertification test every two years.
To maintain certification, must work a minimum of one (1) Open Water Event every three (3) years as Assistant Referee, Administrative Referee, Referee, or Starter. Based on continuing USA Swimming membership and evaluation by the LSC Officials Chair or their designee.

Open Water Referee (Minimum Age 21)

Education & Training


Anyone working in the position of Referee must pass the USA Swimming Open Water Referee test with a score of 80% or better prior to officiating in that position.
Previous certification as Open Water Judge is recommended.
Must attend Open Water clinic/pre-race briefing.
Must apprentice on the water with a certified Open Water Referee for a minimum of one (1) Open Water Event.
Recommended to be certified as a USA Swimming Stroke & Turn official.

Evaluation & Certification

Certification based on recommendation of the trainer(s) and/or Referee(s)

Require score of 80% or better on recertification test every two years.
To maintain certification, must work a minimum of one (1) Open Water Event every three (3) years as Assistant Referee, Administrative Referee, or Referee. Based on continuing USA Swimming membership and evaluation by the LSC Officials Chair or their designee.

Open Water Administrative Official (Minimum Age 21)

Education & Training

Anyone working in the position of Administrative Referee must pass USA Swimming Open Water Referee test with a score of 80% or better prior to officiating in that position.
Previous certification as Open Water Judge is recommended.
Must attend Open Water clinic/pre-race briefing.
Must apprentice on land with a certified Open Water Referee who has experience as Administrative Referee for a minimum of one (1) Open Water Event.

Evaluation & Certification

Certification based on recommendation of the trainer(s) and/or Referee(s)

Require 80% or better scores on renewal test every two years. To maintain certification, must work a minimum of one (1) Open Water Event every three (3) years as Clerk of Course or Administrative Referee. Based on continuing USA Swimming membership and evaluation by the LSC Officials Chair or their designee.