Connecticut Swimming

2021 LC Bid Process

Connecticut Swimming is seeking clubs to host 2021 LC Season Regional Championship meets and a 10/U Age Group Championship meet.

BID DEADLINE: Monday, May 17, 2021


  • Meet date is July 16-18, 2021
  • Bids will be considered for any SCY or LCM pool.
  • Bids will be considered for any number of sessions per day.
  • Bid deadline is Monday, May 17, 2021.
  • Submit a Regional Championship Bid


  • Meet date is July 30 - August 1, 2021
  • Bids will be considered for any SCY or LCM pool.
  • Bids will be considered for any number of sessions per day.
  • Bid deadline is Monday, May 17, 2021.
  • Submit a 10/U Age Group Championship Bid

Covid Era restrictions remain in effect for LC Season 2021, as noted below:

Meet Sanction Application Process

  • All applicants for LC Season meet sanctions must comply with the LC Season Meet Sanctioning Rules:

    • Meet announcements must be submitted in as close to publication format as possible. The longer it takes us to get your documents in order, the shorter your entry period will be.  We will change your entry acceptance dates according to the date we are able to publish the meet, not the date you originally submit it.
    • Host clubs must accept entries following the procedure stated in the meet announcement.
    • Clubs may NOT accept entries and/or distribute meet event files until receiving approval and notification from Program Operations.
    • All open invitational meet announcements will have an Entry Opening Date paragraph outlining the date and time at which entries will open for Connecticut teams, and a separate date for out of state teams.
    • Any meet held during the 2022 LC Season must have a CT Deadline giving CT clubs entry priority.
    • Host clubs may be asked to present Program Operations with date/times entries were received.
    • If in violation of this directive, Program Operations reserves the right to rescind a host's sanction.
    • Teams inviting out of state clubs must collect a $5.00 per swimmer fee to be remitted to Connecticut Swimming in lieu of surcharge. Splash fees are at the host team’s discretion, and are not subject to surcharge.
    • Meet results, in the form of a full backup of the meet database, must be submitted to the CT Swimming office within 72 hours of the end of the meet.
  • 2022 LC Season Meet Sanction Application

Types of Meets Allowed During LC Season 2022

  • Intrasquad Meets
  • Dual Meets by invitation of the host club
  • Tri-Meets by invitation of the host club
  • By-Invitation*: Once a meet has three (3) or more invited teams, the meet host will be required to invite at least one (1) team in need of a meet. A list of such teams will be maintained by the CSI office, and names and contact info will be supplied upon request;
    • A weekly report of splashes per team will be published, here.
  • Invitational*: Any qualified USA Swimming athlete or teams may enter.

*Both By-Invitation and Invitational meets are subject to the following schedule:

      1. An entry opening date three (3) days after the meet posting date will be set by the CT Swimming office;
      2. A Connecticut-Only deadline will be set at least three (3) days after the meet opening date;
      3. Out-of-state teams may be accepted no sooner than ten (10) days before the start of the meet.

LC Season 2021 Meet Announcement Template

Other LC Season 2021 Meet Sanction Requirements

  • The application and supporting documentation must be received THREE weeks before the first date of competition. Late applications will require written exemptions from Mark Wollen, Program Operations Vice-Chair prior to processing.
  • Furthermore, 4 Officials are required and cannot be assigned to more than 1 position. The positions are Referee, Starter, Stroke & Turn, Administrative Official. Clubs wishing to host a sanctioned or approved meet may now put in a request for CSI Officials. The purpose of this form is to match CSI clubs wishing to host a meet with CSI Officials that are available to volunteer.
  • All events, including time trials, will require a meet announcement. In addition to the normal sanction information, this announcement must include:
    • A statement of the Connecticut Department of Public Health AND the local Department of Health guidelines and protocols, and a plan for implementing those guidelines and protocols.
    • A statement outlining the plan for ingress and egress from the facility, the use of locker rooms, and any other facility requirements restrictions in place.
    • The number of individuals gathering in each area of the facility including all spaces, and a statement on how social distancing will be enforced. This includes warm-ups.
    • A statement of the Safe Sport considerations to ensure parents have access to and the ability to observe their child.
    • The mandatory disclaimer language for the meet announcement, and an agreement that the language will appear in the heat sheets.


Need USA Swimming officials to work your meet? 

Membership Verification (Required for all sanctioned meets.)

Safe Sport

Safe Sport at Meets (Meet 360): An informational resource guide intended to assist meet administrators in creating a healthy and positive environment free from abuse for athletes.

Types of Meets

Meet Documents and Forms

Policy and Procedures for Competition

Manuals and Templates

Need USA Swimming officials to work your meet? 

Membership Verification (Required for all sanctioned meets.)

After The Meet Responsibilities

  • Email Ginger McCurdy the meet database backup. (Hytek>File>Backup)
  • Log into your Club's FAST Administration page and complete the Meet Directors Report Online
  • Do not submit surcharge payment unless instructed to do so.

Archive Covid protocols