How do I become an official for USA Swimming in CT?
Step by Step Guide To Becoming An Official [step by step visual directions]
- Obtain a USA Swimming Membership. Ask your Team for their “Team Registration Link”. You must use this link to obtain a USA Swimming Membership. You will receive a message that you are not logged in. Click the LOGIN button and proceed with one of the two options below.
- Are you the parent who has set up a USA Swimming log in when registering your swimmer? If so, YOU DO NOT NEED TO CREATE A NEW LOG IN; YOU ALREADY HAVE ONE AS A PARENT. Simply enter your existing username and password and continue to Step 1C.
- If you are not the parent who set up a USA Swimming log in, you will want to establish one for yourself so that you have a different log in from the parent who registered your swimmer. Click the CREATE A LOGIN button. Confirm that you do not have an existing account and click CONTINUE. Complete the remainder of the user information screens to establish your log in. When complete, continue to Step 1C.
- Once you have logged in, verify that the Club name that appears is your club. click the REGISTER NEW MEMBER button. On the next screen, click the I AM REGISTERING MYSELF button. Complete all of the information that is required. When choosing a membership type, select “OFFICIAL”. Proceed to check out and pay for the membership.
- Take the Foundations of Officiating course available at USA Swimming University.
- If you wish to become a Stroke and Turn official, take the Stroke & Turn Certification Course and Assessment available at USA Swimming University. This course contains both the training clinic and a test.
- If you wish to become a n Administrative official, take the Administrative Official Certification Course and Assessment available at USA Swimming University. This course contains both the training clinic and a test.
- Take the APT training course about protecting athletes - Safe Sport Policy. For Junior Officials, this is the Safe Sport for Youth Athletes.
- Apply online for a background check -- required of all officials (FAQS) (not required for Junior Officials until the age of 18).
- Take Concussion Protocol Training (CPT), one-time requirement.
- Upon completion of the training course, send the completion certificate to your respective LSC registrar for updating your SWIMS 3.0 account.
- Once all of the above steps have been completed, send an email to the Officials Chair at to request trainee status.
- Train by shadowing a certified official. Please see Certification Standards, below, for specifics on training sessions. Be sure to print your evaluation form and bring it to all of your training sessions to be signed by the Meet Referee and your trainer.
- Upon completion of all training sessions, send completed evaluation form to and request to be certified as an official.