Connecticut Swimming

Short Course Regional Bids

Submitting a Regional Championship Bid

Bidding clubs will receive, via email attachment, a list of all bid declarations.

Quick Links for Regional Bid Information


Instructions for Regional Championship bids:

  • Please remember there are two separate bid procedures for Regional Championships and regularly-scheduled meets.
  • Read the Scheduling Procedures before submitting a bid.
  • Every field must be completed on the on-line submittal form.
  • If you would like to change your bid submittal or made an error, please email
  • The confirmation page is your "receipt". For your records, print the confirmation page for each meet.


Regional Championship Scheduling Procedures

CSI clubs that wish to host a 2024 SC Regional Championship meet shall be required to declare their intention to sponsor a meet by completing an online Declaration of Intention. Clubs will be required to return their declaration by the date listed above. Declarations will be submitted on-line at Declarations will be date and time stamped by the CSI server.

Format: CSI will be conducting up to six (6) Regional Championship meets (subject to change) on the date listed on the CT Championship schedule. Declarations of Intention for meets must include: 1.) All officials registered with bidding club; 2.) Experience running championship meets; 3.) Club biography outlining club's qualifications for running a championship meet. Specifics regarding the Meet Director’s prior experience and the proposed facility including number of lanes, deck occupancy, locker facilities, and parking should be included.


Officials Requirement

Upon submitting a bid, clubs are required to have the following Officials with current certifications:

  • Meet Referee
    • Penalty Regarding Letter of Intent for Guest Officials: Effective February 2019, bids received listing guest Meet Referees must submit the accompanying letter of intent by date listed above. Bids without a letter of intent will be declined by Program Operations and the bidder will be given the opportunity to bid on an off-calendar meet.
  • Starter
  • Stroke & Turn Official. Bids will be rejected from clubs with no certified Stroke and Turn official registered with their club.
  • For clubs unable to meet the above Official Requirements, this requirement may be met by acquiring a letter of intent from a certified Referee and/or Starter, sent to CSI Program Operations, demonstrating the commitment of both the guest starter and/or guest referee to work the ENTIRE Regional Championship. Clubs submitting  letter(s) of intent and using guest officials may receive lower priority or exclusion in any case where the Regional Selection Committee makes a determination regarding a meet award. Please send letters of intent to Program Operations not later than July 31, 2024.
  • Selection Criteria: In selecting Regional Meet hosts the following will be taken into consideration; regional need, the Bidding club’s meet management experience,  bidding club’s prior experience hosting Regionals, the quality of the facility including number of lanes, deck space, locker rooms and parking.  If there are more clubs bidding for Regionals than Regional meets available, all of the above will be taken into consideration by the “Regional Bid Committee” and the Regional Bid Committee will select Regional meet hosts.

Regional Bid Committee: Program Operations Vice Chair, Technical Planning Chair, Age Group Chair, Program Development Vice Chair.  If any of the above Committee Members are a member of or directly associated with a bidding club, that person may participate in the meeting and discussion, but must abstain from voting.

The Regional Bid Committee will review all the declarations. Program Operations will put forth its recommendation to the CSI Board of Directors for approval. (The Program Operations Division and the Board of Directors reserve the right to make final Regional Championship awards later than scheduled, if necessary.)

Program Operations reserves the right to assign athletes to the awarded venues based on the number of lanes available at the selected facilities in order to prevent overcrowding during warm-up and to attempt to balance the session timelines among bidders/venues. Hosts will receive the entry fees from athletes entered and assigned to their venues.  No revenue or cost sharing between hosts will be provided.


Other Regional requirements:

Below is a list of requirements. This list is not all-inclusive. Hosts should refer to CSI Policies and Procedures and the Meet Managers Guide.

  • The venue must have lifeguard coverage for the duration of the meet.
  • The meet database backup file including team scoring must be submitted to the CSI Office no later than Sunday evening following the conclusion of the Regional Championships.
  •  All meet reports, surcharge payment, and settlement of awards and caps are due in the CSI office 14 days after the conclusion of the meet. 
  • If applicable, meet hosts apply for Outreach funding.
  • Meet hosts are responsible for securing a facility and paying all expenses and fees.
  • Meet hosts are responsible for procuring and paying rental fees for any equipment that is necessary to run a championship meet. This includes a complete timing system with touch pads.
  • CSI will order 1-6 medals and event winner caps. Hosts will inventory awards they distribute and submit payment to CSI for used awards. Unused awards must inventoried and count sent to CSI will provide club scoring trophies. 
  • Meet database, Age Group Championship qualifying times, meet program, etc. are the responsibility of the host club. A CSI database is supplied as a courtesy.
  • Host club and officials working the meet shall adhere to CSI Warm-Up Procedures.
  • Age Group qualifying times must be included in the Regional Championship meet database and printed meet program.
  • T-shirt vendor arrangements will be made by CSI.
  • Other vendor arrangements are between host club and facility.
  • Host clubs must provide concessions for athletes and spectators.
  • Host clubs must provide a separate hospitality area for coaches/officials with food/beverages adequate for the meet length.
  • Timers must be provided adequate beverages.
  • Other requirements are listed in the CSI Policies and Procedures and the Meet Managers Guide.  Meet Acceptance Form and Sanction Deposit will be due in the CSI office by the date listed above.  
  • If you have any questions, please contact Program Operations.